Security and Privacy

Most services do not respect our privacy any more. We are the product in most cases and this usually also compromises the security decisions that companies make when dealing with our data. This is because most of the time creating a product that has security at its core (using cryptography, for example) requires, in order to be more secure, to also be private. As a result, I have found that many services that are the most secure are also, by there nature, the most private. Their business models are also usually easy to understand – which is an additional bonus.

This is what I love about the Proton products. They have built strong cryptography at the core of their products and they ask for renumeration to keep the services they offer you working. Clear and simple products that protect your privacy and your security at the same time.

They continue to build out their products also so they currently have an email service, storage service, calendar service, password manager service, email aliasing service, VPN service and are in the process of adding (at the time of writing) a note taking service. All of these have the same principals at the core – privacy and security first and you pay for what you get so you know what their business model is.

If you are curious, check them out here:

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